1、Well, if he could do that, he could achieve heavy ion fusion at any reactor on the planet.假如他找到方式,地球上一切一个核反应堆他都能做重离子巨变。?22、It’s all right, I wouldn’t have come aboard,if I couldn’t handle pointy things.没事儿,假如这一点琐事都承受不住,我便不容易登船了。?23、You’re tip-toeing, big man、You need to strut.你太提心吊胆了,胖子,你需要放松一下。
2、An intelligence organisation that fears intelligence?一个情报组织还怕他人偷情报信息?
3、When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?你何时变成热核反应天体物理权威专家了?
4、There’s no pain would prise his need from him、A lot of guys think that until the pain starts.一切艰难困苦都不可以使他低下头,很多家伙遭到摧残后,也不那么想了。
5、Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother.那你就没能理解执政的最高境界,老弟啊。
6、I dread what he plans for him once he’s done.我害怕他完过后会**灭口。
7、He thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did.他感觉大家不容易注意到的,但被我发现。
8、That guy’s brain is a bag full of cats、You could smell crazy on him.他头脑都不清楚装了什么玩意东西,便是个**。
9、If you fail, if the Tesseract is kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice where he cannot find you.如果你兵败,假如宇宙魔方掉入别人之手,即使你逃往海角天涯,他也不容易放了你的。
10、We are not a team、We are a time bomb.大家并不是一个精英团队,反而是一个**。
11、Glorious, not lengthy、If your force is as formidable as you claim.我讲荣耀,并不艰辛,如果你的部队假如你常说的一样不可战胜。
12、Erik is a good man、He talks about you a lot、You changed his life.艾瑞克是个好人,他常说起你,你更改了他的生活。
13、- Or you’ll be suiting up with the rest of us、– You see, I don’t get a suit of armour.- 你也能和我们一起出战歼敌。- 不要说笑了 我连战甲也没有。
14、The Tesseract has shown me so much、It’s more than knowledge、It’s truth.宇宙魔方教會我许多,不只是专业知识,是真知。
15、This guy packs a wallop、Still, you are pretty spry for an older fellow.这家伙挺超强力的,但是,你一把年纪,武艺也挺雄健的。
1、I remember a shadow、Living in the shade of your greatness.我的回忆里仅有黑影,在你光辉的阴霾里发展。
2、How desperate are you, that you call on such lost creatures to defend you?你是有多慌不择路,才会集结那样的妖怪来保护你?
3、What isn’t he telling us? I can’t do the equation unless I have all the variables.他对大家隐瞒事实了哪些?不了解深入了 我无法解决困难。
4、You question him, he who put the sceptre in your hand?你是在质疑他,质疑那一个赐你法杖的人?
5、It’s the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation、The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity.这才算是人性的本质,你们心里期盼被吸引,忙于追求光鲜亮丽的随意,而遗失了生活的快乐,迷失自我在支配权的争夺,就为得到认可。
6、- Where’s this coming from? – What’s the matter? Are you scared of a little lightning?- 哪来的雷电? -怎么啦? 你还是怕雷电啊?
7、He means to lead them against your people.他准备领着它们抵抗人类。
8、You think you know pain? He will make you long for something sweet as pain.你觉得你了解痛楚的味道?他会使你痛苦不堪。
9、I’m wondering if they shouldn’t have kept him on ice.当时不应该把他放冰面,头脑都冻裂了。